Game Document Page Three-Mechanics

The mechanics of the game are split in two, with the story mode coming from a visual novel presentation and text-based interactions. When the scenarios reach their conclusion, a fight will initiate between the player's chosen fighter and the AI opponent. The battle rules can be dictated by the player in the options menu (i.e. rounds, timed battles and difficulty). 

When it comes to the fights, the fighters are controlled by player inputs that initiate combos. Damage inflicted and received will fill up "special" meters that can activate signature moves of the characters. Each character will have two specials and players can choose to use part of their special meters to power up their regular attacks, nerf their opponent or refill their own health (depending on the fighter character).

Battles that are not divided into rounds will be a one round free-for-all where the fighters fight to knock out the opponent's health to zero. If the battles are timed, then the fighter with the higher health at the end of the clock will win. The battles can be divided into rounds of three or five with the winner of the match being declared when the player wins two of the three rounds or three of the five rounds.

There will be a survival mode that can be played through multi or solo players where fighters will run the gauntlet and the player who makes it furthest will win.

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